CANopen Magic Ultimate
Professional CANopen configuration, simulation and analysis tool. High accuracy timestamps, Electronic Datasheet support, network configuration and easy PDO configuration! CANopen Magic Ultimate is a professional grade CANopen® development and simulation tool, indispensable for assisting in the development and debugging of CANopen® based networks. Using CANopen Magic Ultimate, a CANopen® network may be monitored, configured, simulated and analyzed. Timings of message transmissions can be observed, allowing comparison against network specifications. Nodes may be quickly and easily configured and test messages generated with a minimum of effort. The simulation system supports the real time execution on a PC of the CANopen® stack MicroCANopen Plus. Simulated nodes can be monitored and controlled, with process data visualisation. In addition simulated nodes can communicate with each other and with real nodes, allowing development and testing of CANopen® networks before hardware is available.
The following is a list of features in CANopen Magic Ultimate. The list is not exhaustive by any means, but does give a good overview of the abilities of CANopen Magic Pro Ultimate.
- SDO Upload (read from a node)
- Display of read data in ASCII
- Display of read data in decimal Integer, Unsigned integer and Real
- Display of read data in Hexadecimal
- Display of read data in TIME OF DAY and TIME DIFFERENCE formats
- Store read data in a file
- Automatic selection of the most appropriate data type for the entry
- Manual entry selection
- Entry selection from a configurable Object Dictionary list
- SDO Download (write to a node)
- Enter data to write in ASCII
- Enter data to write in decimal Integer, Unsigned integer and Real
- Enter data to write in Hexadecimal
- Enter data to write in TIME OF DAY and TIME DIFFERENCE formats
- Data to write read from a file
- Automatic selection of the most appropriate data type for the entry
- Manual entry selection
- Entry selection from a configurable Object Dictionary list
- Network Management of all nodes or a single node
- Network Scan for available nodes
- Can connect to the same CAN network as other PEAK development tools at the same time
- Automatically remembers window positions and settings, hardware and network configurations
- Transmission of configurable messages
- Select default connection set IDs
- Manually enter IDs
- Select user defined message IDs
- Transmit periodically with a customizable period
- Transmit on a keypress
- Transmit on reception of a specific message ID
- Configurable message contents and length
- Able to transmit Remote Transmission Request messages
- Display overview of all messages configured
- Give descriptive names to messages
- Network Description and Configuration
- Specify names for nodes
- Specify Electronic Datasheets for nodes
- Specify names for messages
- Save Node configurations in Device Configuration Files
- Restore Node configurations from Device Configuration Files
- Save all Node configurations in a Network Configuration File
- Restore all Node configurations from a Network Configuration File
- Network Overview Display
- Automatically scans the network for nodes
- Provides quick overview of available nodes and basic information
- Continually displays current node state and last error
- Set heartbeats of all nodes at once
- Quick PDO Configuration
- Automatically scans for PDOs defined on a node
- Quick and easy configuration of PDO communication parameters
- Quick and easy configuration of PDO mapping parameters
- Select default connection set IDs for PDOs
- Manually enter IDs for PDOs
- Select user defined IDs for PDOs
- One click enable and disable a PDO
- One click enable and disable all PDOs defined on a node
- Configurable Trace Display
- Stop and start for trace review
- Stores 13000+ messages (0.5 seconds @ 1Mbps with 100% bus load)
- CANopen interpretation of messages allowing easy viewing of network activity
- User defined message names displayed
- Filtering of messages displayed
- Up to four trace windows each with their own settings and filtering
- Continuous mode showing each message on the bus
- Static mode showing the last message for each ID on the bus
- Absolute timestamps accurate to 1us
- Relative timestamps accurate to 1us showing time between consecutive messages
- Export trace in ascending CSV format for further analysis in Excel, etc.
- Export trace in descending CSV format for further analysis in Excel, etc.
- Display of message contents in hexadecimal
- Display of message contents in decimal signed and unsigned
- Display of message contents in ASCII
- Display of raw message contents
- Optional display of error frames
- Filtering of trace display using ID ranges or scripting system
- Configurable Process Data Display
- Show any number of process data items
- Updated on detection of PDOs on the network
- Configurable graphical displays of data in multiple formats
- Add labels and graphics to create mock ups of product interfaces
- Display graphs of analog data
- Project Files
- Save and load settings in project files
- Start the application with a project on the command line
- Configuration of Layer Setting Services Nodes
- Automatic detection of single nodes
- Configuration of node IDs
- Configuration of bit timings
- Works with all PEAK-System Technik CAN interfaces
- Monitoring of the last emergency transmitted by the currently selected node
- Command line interface for batch programming and end of production line testing
- Can run at the same time, on the same CAN network as other compatible tools, including PCANExplorer and PCANView
- Configurable SDO and LSS timeouts
- CANopen Node Simulation System
- Simulate up to 127 CANopen® nodes at once
- Simulated nodes may communicate with each other and real nodes
- React to NMT, SDOs, PDOs, LSS and any other features supported by the CANopen® stack used to build the simulated nodes
- May be accessed from CANopen Magic Ultimate as if there were real nodes using all the features of CANopen Magic Ultimate
- Use to develop nodes before hardware is available
- View contents of simulated node process image
- View simulated node object dictionary
- Create graphical input and output controls to control and visualize simulated node I/O
- Save all simulation settings in project and Sim IO files to share with other engineers
- Simulate off the shelf commercial products and test intergration into a custom network
- Once simulated nodes are complete, simply rewrite the hardware driver to retarget to the hardware
- Support for MicroLSS/LSS Fastscan
- Support for CiA 447 Car Add-On Device Profile
- Continuous log recording and playback with pause and single stepping options
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Release notes |
Release Notes |
Sample Manual |
CANopen Magic Sample Manual |
Evaluation Version |
Download the Evaluation Version of CANopen Magic Standard |