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PCAN-Developer 4

SKU #: IPES-004070

Professional CAN and CAN FD Development Package for Windows®

PEAK's new PCAN-Developer 4 Software Package is a flexible system for planning, developing, and operating CAN FD and CAN networks on a Windows host computer. At the core of this system are Windows® Kernel drivers as they managed the communication between PCs and external hardware over a Controller Area Network.

The professional programming interface PCAN-API of the PCAN-Developer package makes it possible to create complex Windows ® applications with CAN and CAN FD support. The API (Application Programming Interface) provides an extensive function library using interface DLLs for 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

Unlike PCAN-Basic, the CAN communication is handled by Clients and offers significant advantages. Thus, not only a single but multiple applications can access a physical CAN channel. Furthermore, it works even without hardware: Via virtual connections, Clients establish a simulated CAN communication among Windows ® applications.

Beginning with PCAN-Developer version 4, the PCAN-API and the included tools support the new CAN FD standard (CAN with Flexible Data rate) which is primarily characterized by a higher bandwidth for data transfer.

The API can be used with different programming languages. The scope of supply includes examples and header files for the languages C/C++ and Delphi.

CAN Connection via Clients

Applications that are based on the PCAN-API use so-called Clients in order to access Nets. A Net includes the connection to an external CAN bus via suitable hardware and the interconnection of several applications.

The following possibilities apply to CAN connections via Clients:

  • One or multiple Clients can be connected with a Net
  • A Client can be connected with multiple Nets
  • A Net is connected to no or exactly one active hardware
  • Multiple connections to different Nets can be defined for a hardware
  • A maximum of one defined connection to a Net can be activated for a hardware
  • When a Client transmits, the message is passed to all other Clients connected to the Net and via the hardware to the external CAN bus
  • If a message is received by the hardware, it is received by all Clients connected to the Net
  • Professional API for developing applications with CAN and CAN FD connections
  • Complies with CAN specifications 2.0 A/B and FD
  • CAN FD support for ISO and Non-ISO standards switchable
  • Supports the operating systems Windows® 10, 8.1, 7 (32/64-bit)
  • Up to 64 applications can be operated per physical CAN channel at the same time
  • Use of a Windows® DLL for 32-bit or 64-bit as programming interface (API) for all supported hardware types
  • Use of up to 64 channels for each hardware type
  • Simple switching between channels of a PCAN PC hardware using Nets
  • Access to the CAN channels of a PCAN-Gateway via the new PCAN-LAN hardware type
  • Driver-internal buffering of up to 32,768 CAN messages per Client
  • Buffer size can be configured via the API
  • Precision of time stamps on received messages up to 1 µs (depending on the PEAK CAN interface used)
  • Access to all available hardware parameters such as listen-only mode
  • Notification of the application through Windows® events when a message is received
  • Notification of the application through driver events, e.g. altered hardware parameters, plug-in/plug-out of PCAN PC hardware, or bus load information
  • Interrupt-triggered reception of CAN messages by the driver. Storage in a FIFO buffer with the time stamp
  • Control of the transmission timing by specifying time stamps when transmitting messages
  • Configuration of single-shot and self-receive-request transmissions
  • Support of CAN error frames
  • Simulated CAN communication between applications via Clients
  • Free definition of a message filter per Client
  • Hardware reset during an active connection
  • Hardware configuration using the control panel or application
  • Detailed documentation in PDF format as well as executable sample source code
  • Collection of tools for CAN system configuration, parameterization, and visualization
  • Thread-safe API
Delivery Contents
  • PCAN-API 4 Interface DLLs (32/64-bit)
  • PCAN-Developer 4 license package
  • Software: PCAN-View, PCAN-Nets Configuration, and PCAN-Status Display
  • Examples and header files for various programming languages
  • Documentation in PDF format

PCAN-Developer 4 includes a single user license for the development package and a distribution license for the PCAN-Developer redistributable. This package includes the API DLLs as well as the software products PCAN-View, PCAN-Nets Configuration, and PCAN-Status Display.

For the API and the software you will receive all updates and free support for the duration of two years.

PCAN-Developer 4 version history
Information regarding PCAN-Developer 4 and its history
PCAN-API 4 version history
Information regarding PCAN-API 4 and its history
A comparison of our APIs
Comparison for the development of CAN FD and CAN applications
The new standard CAN FD
The new standard CAN FD support and compatible products
PEAK-System Forum
Section for the PCAN-Developer 4 for questions and support
Professional CAN and CAN FD Development Package for Windows® PEAK's new PCAN-Developer 4 Software Package is a flexible system for planning, developing, and operating CAN FD and CAN networks on a ...