Embedded Systems Academy's Logxaminer helps with complex post-recording analysis of long-term logs containing CANopen traffic data covering multiple hours or sometimes even days. Instead of loading the log file into a spread sheet program and do manual searches, color highlighting and sometimes run custom scripts or macros to help locating issues, this tool creates statistics and event lists on a configurable level of detail. This drastically shortens the time to get "real results" out of a CANopen log recording made. Statistics are not only produced globally, there are dedicated statistic views for each node present on the network during the recording.
Per node statistics include:
- Minimum/maximum heartbeat time
- Minimum/maximum SDO response time
- Number of bootups
- Number of emergencies transmitted
- PDO message rate
The Logxaminer not only produces statistics, it also generates an event listing with all important system events. The event listing filters information from the log including:
- Node ID assignment (by LSS)
- Bootups (expected/unexpected)
- Emergencies
- SDO Aborts
- Unexpected messages (out of order sequences)
If a network is not running stable, then the system event listing highlights important clues as to what goes wrong where.