CANopen Source Code
CANopen Master & Slave Source Code CiA 301
The CANopen source code implements the complete functionality pursuant to the CiA 301 draft standard. The CANopen source code supports the fast and standard compliant design of own fully-featured CANopen master or slave devices, including NMT master (Network Management), LSS master (Layer Setting Services) or SDO client.
The straightforward, event-oriented signaling up to Application Level attains a high degree of performance. The CANopen source code is prepared for easy integration to operating systems. The well-defined and thoroughly thought-out API allows for an easy use of the CANopen services without diving into details of the implementation. Many example programs, target specific demo projects and the comprehensive documentation assist you step-by-step.
Available as Value Pack Option including:
CANopen Protocol Stack Source Code (NMT Master & Slave), ODBuilder, CANopen Configuration Suite with LSS-Plug-in, CAN-Report with CANopen Plug-in, USB-CANmodul1, Documentation, Service and Support Certificate, License and Support Contract
- CiA 301 compliant CANopen Source Code
- Complete source code set of CANopen master and slave services included
- Multi-instance support - Implement different logical CANopen devices on a single physical hardware platform
- The first year of software maintenance and technical support included - free of charge!
- No royalties on deployed products
- Bundled versions (so-called Value Packs) with complete set of fully-enabled CANopen tools included available
- ODBuilder - PC Tool for easy configuration of the Object Dictionary including automatic source code generation, EDS editor with import and export functionality
- Straight-forward ANSI-C implementation and the clear modularized structure support easy porting to new target platforms
- Generic OS API suitable for integration with real time operating systems
- CANopen Protocol Stack provides the communication layer for implementing all standardized CANopen device profiles
- CAN driver source code for many target systems included
- Uniform CAN driver API for all supported CAN interfaces
- High resolution time stamp
- CiA 304 compliant CANopen Safety Protocol Extension (optional add-on)
- CiA 402 Device Profile for Motion Control and Drives (optional add-on)
- Modular, Scalable and Portable
The continuous modularization of the functionalities and implementation in ANSI-C make possible simple porting to different target systems. Great importance was set on scalability and performance. Highly optimized memory management and zero-copy implementation prevent unnecessary copying of data. With our CANopen Source you can just as cost-effectively create single-chip solutions and complex, multi-channel master applications. Our CANopen protocol stack was successfully ported, along with a number of microcontrollers, to a DSP. - The CANopen software is organized into individual modules. Some modules can be incorporated into or removed from the project, depending on the required functionality. The modules do not cross-call functions to another module but only functions from subordinate or superordinate modules (as Callback function). There are no cross-references of global variables between the modules. A central software layer, called "CANopen Controlling Module" (CCM), provides a simplified API of the CANopen functions to the application layer and controls the interaction of the individual modules. Furthermore, the hardware specific implementation is clearly decoupled from the CANopen protocol stack, resulting in a minimum effort required for porting to a new target platform.
- No Royalties on Deployed Products
We offer an attractive pricing structure. You get the complete source on every purchase for an economic one-time fee. There are no royalties on your deployed products.
Product Flyer |
CANopen Source Code - Product Flyer |
User Manual |
CANopen User's Manual (truncated version) |
CANopen Source Code - Supported Target Platforms |
CANopen Source Code - Supported Target Platforms |