CAN Network Monitoring Software
Single Computer License (Portable license also available)
The new PCAN-Explorer 6 developed by PEAK-System Technik provides a professional Windows application to users working with CAN and CAN FD networks that goes far beyond simple observation of the CAN traffic. Manual or periodic transmission of messages or entire transmission lists allows network designers or maintenance personnel to directly influence the data exchange, for example, for control purposes or simulations. (Note: license file emailed the following business day.)
PCAN-Explorer 6 can connect to several CAN and/or CAN FD field buses at the same time. Unlike previous versions, the hardware type of used CAN adapters is no longer a limiting factor.
One of the main features of PCAN-Explorer 6 is the symbolic representation of the CAN messages and their payload. With the help of symbol files, the hexadecimal information from the raw CAN/CANFD frame is transformed into an easily readable format.
A new feature of PCAN-Explorer 6 is the integration of an enhanced the trace function. In addition to recording the CAN data traffic it is now possible to also play back existing traces. With the help of user defined message filters both recorded and incoming CAN message streams can be reduced to a desired data portion. Implementation of special application requirements as well as automation of complex processes is enabled by the use of macros. The sophisticated implementation of VBScript accesses the extensive object model of PCAN-Explorer 6. Furthermore, the functionality of PCAN-Explorer 6 can be extended by a range of available add-ins. These add-ins provide additional opportunities to analyze, interpret and influence CAN data. For example, the Plotter add-in produces a graphical representation of the signals™ time course during live recording or on the basis of traces. The Instruments Panel add-in is used to select and arrange various display elements, controls, and switches. Further add-ins enable the import of third-party configurations based on the CANdb format and add the support for the J1939 protocol.
The software works with all PEAK PCAN interface products including the popular PCAN-USB Adapter or PCAN-USB FD Pro Adapter. There are four optional function upgrade add-ins available including CANdb, Plotter, Instruments Panel and J1939.
Video tutorials and product demonstrations can be found here.
Available as a 30 day trial. Request your copy here
- Management of all settings, information, and files in projects
- Exporting entire projects including linked files to handy packets for archiving or sharing
- Extensive revision of the user interface with improved dialogs for creating transmit messages and managing signals
- Automatic notification about new software versions and support with the update process
- Integrated text editor with syntax highlighting for creating and editing of symbol files, macros and VBScript
- User interface language can be switched (German/English)
- Integration of add-ins to upgrade functionality
- Simultaneous connections with multiple CAN interfaces independent of the hardware type
- Support for CAN specifications 2.0 A/B and FD
- CAN bit rates (nominal) up to 1 Mbit/s
- Data bit rates up to 12 Mbit/s (only when using a CAN FD interface)
- Optional use of custom bit rates
- Listen-only mode can be activated
- Clear overview of connections with their bit rate, status, error counter, and bus load
- Function to execute a hardware reset of the CAN controller
- Representation of the CAN data traffic in sortable receive and transmit lists with configurable columns display
- Display of messages showing the ID, length, data bytes, time-outs, number of messages received, and receiving interval
- Display of error frames can be activated for each connection
- Representation of CAN IDs in hexadecimal or decimal format
- Display of receive, transmit, and error states
- Message reception with a maximum resolution of 100 µs
- Manual and periodic transmission of messages with a maximum resolution of 1 ms
- Transmission of CAN messages in response to remote frames (only with CAN 2.0 A/B)
- Messages can be grouped as transmit lists, stored and loaded as desired, e.g. in order to emulate CAN nodes
- Multiple flexible filters can be configured and, for example, assigned to the transmit/receive window or to various different tracers
- Logging of the CAN data traffic along with the errors that have occurred as an option
- Playback of trace files with optional loop function
- Operation of multiple tracers at the same time
- Representation of the logged messages with details such as time stamp, type, ID, length, and data bytes
- Representation of the data bytes in hexadecimal, decimal, or ASCII format
- Filtering of the messages for logging through message filters
- Recording of CAN data traffic directly to files or to the RAM (in linear, dynamic, or circular buffer mode)
- Playback of logged CAN messages directly from files or the buffer
- Storing of the logged data to readable text files or CSV files for further processing in Excel or similar
- Enhanced processing of huge trace files compared to PCAN-Explorer version 5
- Subsequent examination of the logged data in the buffer via different symbol files
- Clear and readable representation of CAN messages based on the symbol format from PEAK-System:
- Easy allocation of CAN messages by assigning alphanumeric names
- Bit-exact division of the data into variables for assigning names, data type, etc.
- Comfortable symbol file creation with the supplied Windows® software PCAN-Symbol Editor or with the integrated text editor
- User-friendly real-time monitoring of several signals via the Watch window
- Graphical display of up to 4 signals with a simple line writer (Line Writer Add-in)
- Automation of small tasks or complex processes with macros or VBScript like for example:
- Test procedures for the implementation or development of CAN systems
- Send an e-mail if a temperature is exceeded
- Start an action when a particular message is received
- Open an Excel sheet when an event occurs and save the data in individual cells
- Calculate variables from the data of incoming CAN messages
- Creation of macros and scripts with the integrated text editor
- Assignment of function keys to individual macros
- Access with VBScript to almost all program elements via the PCAN-Explorer object model
- VBScript macros also run in the background even without the PCAN-Explorer interface
- PCAN-Explorer installation CD
- Single computer license
- PCAN-Symbol Editor for Windows®
- Documentation in HTML help format
- Windows® 10, 8.1, 7 (32/64-bit)
- At least 2 GB RAM and 1.5 GHz CPU
- For the CAN bus connection: PC CAN/CAN FD interface from PEAK-System
- Free USB port for copy protection dongle (only for portable license)
Request a 30 day trial version here : request your copy here |